
R e t u r n   t o   t h e   L o u n g e ™

N O W   T H I S   N A V I G A T I O N   B A R   I S   T R U L Y   F A N C Y   !

One of my favorite passtimes is typing!
I use a multitude of different websites, all of which are listed below.
Just click on any one of the images to be transported to one of my profiles!






[in WPM]

Language Avg. High
Pashto 56 62
English 134 156
Macedonian 64 74
Finnish 62 74
Norwegian 82 100
Swedish 51 60
Danish 91 100
Georgian 14 18
Albanian 38 47
Russian 30 50
Armenian 10 18

My current English record screenshot

My Journey to Conquer the Pashto Typing Speed World Record

On 10fastfingers, I am currently embarking on a bit of an adventure:
Right now, on 10fastfingers, the lowest speed record for any language is currently Pashto.
Click >>here<< to see the world record list for each language.

Now, you may be wondering, what's so special about Pashto?
Well, the current world record was not only set way back in 2012,
but was set by a guy who just popped on the site for a short while and just never came back!
So, I have finally took it upon myself to learn Pashto... at least enough of it to be able to type 60 WPM!

Click >>here<< to be transported to my weekly progress update hub!


The above information is obselete. I have achieved the record on 12 May 2020!

Here is an embedded typing test, let's see how fast you can go!

armenwould's typing test WPM